Pollinators: All the Buzz highlights pollinators from all around the world with signage, statues and live bees for visitors to observe in an indoor 2,500 square foot greenhouse garden environment filled with pollinator plants. The wide variety of plants come from the world class Marjorie McNeely Conservatory collection and will showcase the different pollinator syndromes, as well as how different flowers attract their own pollinators.

Monarchs and Milkweed Banner Exhibit

Monarchs and Milkweed: A Story of Survival Banner Exhibit consists of graphics used in the full sized 3D exhibit and is specifically designed for smaller venues with modest budget and gallery space.
This exhibit explores the complex relationship between these two entities, as they each fight for survival in their own unique way, impacting one another’s development or success at every turn. The popularity of monarch butterflies is far reaching. Through this familiarity, complex topics can be made accessible and easily discoverable for visitors of all ages.

A series of four large 8'x10' durable canvas banners create an exploratory space within the gallery, with opportunities for discovery at every turn. Also included are four free-standing trilons that expand on several topic of interest.