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Dr. Entomo's PALACE of EXOTIC Wonders

Is it true? Are they real?! Let Dr. Entomo be your guide as you explore the wonderful world of bugs in all their strange splendor. From glow-in-the-dark scorpions, cow-killing ants and the feared black widow, to the scary but harmless Giant Millipede and Chilean rose hair tarantula,  Dr. Entomo's Palace of Exotic Wonders fascinates visitors of all ages!

Displayed in a carnival atmosphere, this exhibit features living insects and arthropods and discusses their various life habits under the guise of a traditional circus sideshow.  "Glowing Terror" are revealed to be modest black scorpions;  the "Chemical Factory" describes the chemical defenses necessary for survival, and "Living Mummies" become the life stages of the Darkling beetle. What is at once startling and unfamiliar becomes fascinating and engaging as you explore the true nature of bugs.

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